News Release
Trump Administration’s “Buy America” Plan Will Be Burdensome and Costly
President Trump unveiled more of his ideas on infrastructure priorities and reforms in a speech today. CEI transportation policy expert Marc Scribner praised some reforms the president proposed…
Blog Snookered by Debunked 2016 CBO Score of Air Traffic Control Reform
The Trump administration released its “legislative principles” for reforming U.S. air traffic control, which closely mirror a reform proposal introduced in 2016 by House Transportation…
News Release
Air Traffic Reform Plan from White House Earns CEI Praise
Today, the White House announced a plan to reform air traffic control in America. CEI transportation policy expert Marc Scribner, who attended today’s announcement at…
Canada’s Air Traffic Provider Announces Lowered Fees; U.S. Should Embrace Same Model
Since the Canadian government decided 20 years ago to spin off air traffic control from the nation’s transportation department, Nav Canada has seen its inflation-adjusted…
Rep. Meadows Introduces Transportation Performance-based Regulatory Reform Bill
Today, Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) introduced the Revamping American Infrastructure Act of 2017 (H.R. 2714), which aims to “facilitate the use of outcome-based performance…
RealClear Future
Straight Talk on the “Talking Car” Mandate
Will another driver’s car “talking” with yours someday save your life? The answer, from regulators and many automakers, is a resounding “Yes.” Such a promising…