Wall Street Journal
For a Cost of Only $16 per Californian . . .
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D., Calif.) writes that the U.S. Department of Transportation’s decision to defer a $647 million federal grant for Caltrain electrification was “foolhardy”…
White House Budget Embraces Air Traffic Control Reform
The Trump administration proposes a 12.7 percent decrease in Department of Transportation spending. The most important cut is the administration’s embrace of air traffic control…
News Release
Trump White House Transportation Budget Earns CEI Praise on Air Traffic Control Reform
The White House this morning released its 2018 budget blueprint, which features a 12.7 percent decrease in Department of Transportation spending and reforms to the…
California’s Proposed Autonomous Vehicle Rules Could Be Improved
The California Department of Motor Vehicles published its proposed testing and deployment rules for automated vehicles.
Right and Wrong on Air Traffic Control Reform
Objections to privatizing the Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Air Traffic Organization contradict conservative principles or else have previously been debunked.
Improve Infrastructure Projects with Financing and Regulatory Reform
Financing and regulatory reform can help public and private investors get the most bang for their buck out of major new infrastructure projects.