Tab Rally 1/12/11
Why Do States Still Require Phone Books to Be Delivered?
Did you know that some states require companies to deliver phone books to state residents? Never mind the fact that most people don’t use phone…
D.C. Bag Tax Falls Short of Stated Revenue Goals
Last New Year’s saw the beginning of D.C.’s infamous bag tax, a 5-cent tax on each plastic shopping bag consumers take away from stores. In…
New Hayekian Anthem
The Daily Caller
Federal Pay Freeze: More Things Stay the Same
Five short months after Democrats called Republicans’ suggestion to freeze federal pay a “cynical ploy,” President Obama announces his plan to freeze federal paychecks…
Wikileaks’ Assange to Australian Times: “I’m Not Sorry”
Julian Assange wrote an op-ed in the Australian Times today essentially saying, “I’m not sorry”: I grew up in a Queensland country…