We Luv Our Suvs
For a country so concerned about the well-being of soccer moms, it is hard to understand the recent verbal assault on their transportation of…
Back to the Future
Over the past several years, America has faced a disturbing trend. It started with the disco revival and John Travolta’s return to the silver screen.
Flirting With Disaster
Congress is again exploring new ways to undermine the private market for homeowners insurance in disaster-prone parts of the country. On February…
Coveted Internet Cash Cow?
Published in the Washington Times <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> January 30, 1998 Excerpted in…
News Release
Grassroots ESA Coalition Warns Against Dangers of Species Bill
Washington, DC, January 29, 1998 — The Competitive Enterprise Institute announced today that it will be co-sponsoring a congressional and media briefing on S.1180…
News Release
CEI Blasts Big-Government Era State of Union Message
Washington DC, January 28 –”President Clinton’s State of the Union message makes it clear that the era of big government is not over,” said…