‘The Ring’ Free Market Classic
During this last week, thousands of Washingtonians have flocked to one of the world’s greatest artistic events, ‘The Ring” by Richard Wagner. Much has…
Biotechnology Flirts with the Regulators
Biotechnology, like other unfamiliar high tech industries, offers great hopes but arouses even greater fears. Politicians, the record proves, are far more likely to respond to…
News Release
AIDS Protest at FDA: The Issue Is Freedom
The Competitive Enterprise Institute, a Washington-based free market advocacy group, today expressed its support for the AIDS protest at the Food & Drug Administration…
Cap The Financial Black Holes
A consensus is emerging that the rate of U.S. thrift and bank failures stems in large part from the perverse incentives of Federal Deposit…
The Suicidal Corporation: Two Cheers!
Smith book review for The World and I…
Washington Antitrust Report
Full Document Available in PDF Political momentum is building up in Congress behind legislation to reverse recent judicial interpretations and administrative enforcement policy…