Honeycomb House: A Fresh Foreclosure Horror
Problems with empty, foreclosed, or otherwise house-poor homes no longer stop at suburban sprawl; now mosquito and wildcat infestations threaten to lower real estate values…
Towards a Goal of Smaller Government
After Republicans swept the House in last Tuesday’s elections, President Obama took “full responsibility” for Democrats’ losses, saying: I’ve got to do a better…
Tea Partiers’ Winning “Contract from America”
New York Bans Smoking in Central Park
…and all other public outdoor spaces. Soon there will be no smoking in any car-banned area of New York City, including Times Square, Central Park,…
Ron Paul to Head Federal Reserve Oversight Subcommittee?
In a bizarre turn of events following Tuesday’s elections, Rep. Ron Paul, the government’s #1 “end or audit the Fed” guy, will likely be in…
Jobs Saved or Created: Armed Security to Guard Unemployment Offices
Here is a must-read for naysayers ready to indict current regulatory policies’ ability to create or save jobs! With December looms the deadline for folks…