Morning Media Summary
Putting the squeeze on the broadband copper robbers:
“When we think of tech crime, we tend to imagine hackers cooking up exploits to crack banking systems or spammers launching phishing attacks, but they are only half the story.”
Norwegian traders convicted for outsmarting US stock broker algorithm:
“Two Norwegian day traders who hoodwinked a trading system in the US for their own financial gain, have been handed suspended prison sentences.”
Micro Drones for Google?:
“German publication Wirtschaftswoche (“Economy Week”) says that German manufacturer Microdrones has delivered a cam-equipped flying mini drone to Google. Microdrones boss Mr. Juerss is quoted as saying “We have good chances for a long term business relationship with Google” (is he just overly optimistic? Google wasn’t available for comment to the magazine). According to him the drones “are superbly suited to deliver more up-to-date recordings for mapping service Google Earth.” Another potential use mentioned by Juerss is inspecting wind farms.”
FCC approves changes to CableCARD rules:
“The Federal Communications Commission moved Thursday to open up the retail market for companies that provide cable set-top boxes and digital video recorders.”
Global Warming / Environment / Energy:
Is climate change activism dead?:
“In a wood panelled room in East London more than 100 people, including Britain’s only Green MP Caroline Lucas, gathered earlier this week for the ‘Climate Rendezvous’. The meeting was organised by activists Climate Rush to discuss strategies for raising the profile of climate change before international talks in Cancun, Mexico next month.”
‘Dual flush’ toilets among conservation proposals OK’d by Council:
“Under a law passed by the City Council today, new toilets will have to be high water efficient or “dual-flush,” which allow users to choose between a high pressure flush for solid waste, and a low-pressure flush for liquid.”
Russia agrees to build nuclear plant in Venezuela:
“Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez reached a deal with Russia on Friday to build a nuclear power plant in the South American country and negotiated several other agreements in energy and other areas.”
Reform of Toxic Chemicals Law Collapses as Industry Flexes Its Muscles:
“Fire retardants in baby blankets, nano-particles in cosmetics, plastics in water bottles and anti-bacterial agents in soaps.”
The Carbon Cycle and Royal Society Math:
“The recent “rebellion” by senior members of the Royal Society (RS) forced it to revise their guide “Climate change: a summary of the science”. The new guide, published on 30 September 2010, has a single paragraph under the heading The Carbon Cycle and Climate. In that, it says:”
Insurance / Gambling:
Online Gambling Legislation Topic at Vegas Expo:
“The Annual Global Gaming Expo which highlights the international gaming industry has set its conference dates for November 16th till the 18th at the Las Vegas Convention Center and this years hot topic will be the online gambling laws and the legislation that governs them. Always a topic in Vegas but in years past it was a silent topic not being discussed openly and without any thoughts of actually entering into the industry by mainstay Vegas Casino owner/operators. But the time has come when all Vegas Casino owners need to sit down and include this topic in their annual conference because its coming, and they need to decide are they in or out?”
Health / Safety:
Eyetracker Warns Against Momentary Driver Drowsiness:
“Those who do a lot of driving know how tiring long car trips and night driving can be. And a simple fraction of a second can decide the difference between life and death. According to the German Road Safety Council e.V. (DVR), one in four highway traffic fatalities is the result of momentary driver drowsiness. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Media Technology IDMT in Ilmenau, Germany, have developed an assistant system that tracks a driver’s eye movements and issues a warning before the driver has an opportunity to nod off to sleep.”
Election unlikely to change US farm subsidies:
“Republicans might take control of Congress as they ride a wave of voter anger over deficit spending and big government, but experts who follow agriculture say they don’t expect deep cuts in subsidies to farmers who grow crops such as corn and soybeans.”
Reid and Angle disagree – on everything:
“Sixty minutes, two candidates and not a single moment of agreement.”
Protectionism a rising global threat: U.S. official:
“Governments in emerging markets, fearful that rising exchange rates will hurt exports and stunt growth, have taken measures to limit currency appreciation, sparking fears of escalation into protectionism that could undermine global growth.”
Washington Policy Makers Resist Calls for a Big Fix in Foreclosure Crisis:
“The iPhone 4 is wrapped in 500 flawless cut diamonds, totalling 100 carats. ”
Give us a bling:
“Ambani, his wife and three children have moved into the building which is named Antilia, after a mythical Island. It contains a health club with a gym and dance studio, at least one studio, a ballroom, guestrooms and a range of lounges and a 50 seater cinema.”
Bernanke makes case for further easing of monetary policy:
“Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said Friday that high unemployment and low inflation point to a need for a further easing of U.S. monetary policy, but said policymakers were still weighing how aggressive they should be.”
33% of IRS’s 106,000 Employees Are Eligible for Retirement:
“Like many Federal agencies, the IRS will be challenged to replace existing talent because of a large number of expected retirements. More than a third of IRS executives are already eligible for retirement while more than half of the IRS’s 106,000 employees and managers have reached age 50 and can retire within 10 years. Many of these employees possess unique skills and institutional knowledge that will be difficult to replace.”
Government to report on $1 trillion-plus deficit:
“The Obama administration is set to report Friday that the federal budget deficit exceeded $1 trillion for the second straight year, providing critics of government spending with fresh ammunition ahead of the midterm congressional elections.
Push to End Job Barriers Rattles Greece and Economy:
“But Greek law also limits just about everything else about pharmacies. They must be at least 820 feet apart and have a likely market of no fewer than 1,500 residents. To break into the business, an aspiring pharmacist generally has to buy a license from a retiring one. That often costs upward of $400,000.”
Judge gives green light to Obamacare lawsuits:
“Three cheers. There’s a long road ahead, but the first obstacle has been overcome. Florida judge Roger Vinson ruled this afternoon that 20 lawsuits challenging the constitutionality of the Obamacare mandate can continue:”
First Lady may have violated Illinois election laws:
“First Lady Michelle Obama reportedly violated Illinois election laws by encouraging voters to support President Obama at a polling place in Chicago Thursday morning”
Federal judge: Challenge to ObamaCare mandate can proceed to trial:
“Arguably the biggest story of the day, even though it’s barely a story at all. One way or another, the mandate will end up before the Supreme Court. Maybe it’ll get there via this suit in Florida or maybe it’ll get there via the one pending in Virginia or just maybe it’ll get there on appeal from last week’s ruling in Michigan that the mandate is constitutional. There are a lot of roads to the high court being traveled right now; the chief point of interest in all these lower-court decisions is seeing which one will get ObamaCare there the fastest.”
Video shows officer involved in shooting planting crack pipe on homeless woman:
“Surveillance footage captured in August 2005 landed Officer Richard Chrisman on a list of ‘problem police officers’ years before his involvement in a deadly shooting.”
FGH and SEIU Local 1199 Reaches Agreement:
“Fairmont General Hospital and Service Employees International Union Local 1199 have reached a tentative agreement on a new contract.”
Transportation/ Land Use:
New York Continues abusing eminent domain, thanks to courts:
“In New York, it doesn’t matter whether or not your neighborhood is actually blighted, but rather whether the Empire State Development Corporation wants it. That brilliant insight into property rights can be supported by looking at Wednesday’s ruling in Matter of Uptown Holdings v. City of New York:”
Foreign companies vying for Florida high-speed rail work:
“You can get a glimpse of one of the German company’s trains in Tampa, too – Siemens recently put up a billboard on West Hillsborough Avenue in Town ‘N Country showing one of its high-speed Velaro trains and bearing this message: “More Speed. Less Gas. With Siemens’ Answers For Florida High-Speed Rail.”