Don’t ‘Liberate’ Interns from Valuable Career Experience
In a diverse labor market in which college students can choose between many different combinations of work, recreation, study over the course of a summer,…
Gosar Amendment on Labor Costs a Test for Republicans as Party of Fiscal Responsibility
For far too long, the federal government has squandered countless tax dollars by inflating the cost of public works projects.
Dramatic Estimates of Future Heat-Related Deaths Hype, Not Fact
Contrary to Killer Heat’s alarming message, U.S. heat-related mortality should continue to decline in coming decades.
Time to End Democrat Majority at the National Labor Relations Board
Filling the vacant seats on the NLRB is imperative to returning the agency to a body of impartial members that represents the public interest in…
SCOTUS’s Illogical ADEC Opinion Roiling Clean Air Act Cooperative Federalism
If the EPA’s expert always receives deference, then the state is very much subject to “second guessing,” despite the fact that states have no less…
Joint Employer Standard an Obstacle to Job Creation and Entrepreneurship
Congress is working on legislation to address and clarify joint employment in a way that enables entrepreneurs to start businesses without regulatory roadblocks. …
Two Responses to Anonymous EPA Staffer Diary in New York Magazine
EPA employees work for the American people, not the Sierra Club.
EPA Chlorpyrifos Imbroglio Demonstrates Confounding Journalistic Themes
Confounding beliefs lead to cognitive dissonance for the modern progressive environmental reporter.
Finance Regulators Reject All Critiques, Plow Ahead with Arbitration Rule
CEI will continue to work to overturn the CFPB's arbitration rule and restore the ability of consumers to enter into arbitration agreements, saving them time…
Net Neutrality ‘Day of Action’ Endorses Government Power to Suppress Free Speech
This week's net neutrality “Day of Action” seeks to defend a regulatory regime that ultimately facilities the suppression of free speech by a federal agency:…
This Week in Ridiculous Regulations
81 new rules from the last week still range from work surfaces to spirulina extract.
California Governor Plans Another Climate Action Summit
California Governor Jerry Brown announced July 6th that he will host a Climate Action Summit in San Francisco in September 2018.
Conservatives International Brings Pro-Liberty Activists Together
Our friends at Conservatives International published a great short video this week featuring CEI’s own Iain Murray.
2017 Competitive Enterprise Dinner Keynote: Elaine Chao
Remarks delivered by U.S. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao at CEI’s “Through the Looking Glass” Annual Dinner & Reception.
CFPB Director Shows Contempt for Congress – President Trump Should Fire Him
Add another one to the long list of reasons why President Trump should fire Richard Cordray, the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
EPA Proposes Renewable Fuel Standards for 2018
The gap between statutory obligations and marketplace reality are too big to be managed via ad hoc yearly adjustments.
Nuclear Power v. Renewable Subsidies
The world will always need an energy source independent of weather and geology, and nuclear is the only power supply able to meet the baseload…
Conservatives Oppose Forced Unionism, not Unions
The July/August edition of The Atlantic features an article by Jonathan Rauch, “The Conservative Case for Unions,” in which he cites Barry Goldwater and…
Seven Reasons to Object in Campbell v. Facebook
Last week, CEI’s Center for Class Action Fairness’ (CCAF) Anna St. John objected to an unfair class action settlement in Campbell v. Facebook. This…
Don’t Follow the Money
The July/August issue of Foreign Affairs has an excellent article by Professor Peter Neumann of King’s College London entitled: “Don’t Follow the Money: The Problem with…
This Week in Ridiculous Regulations
A recent EPA rule for dental effluence caused some controversy for violating President Trump’s one-in, two-out policy for new rules.
EPA Plans to Install Climate Science Team
Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt is planning to evaluate climate science by creating a “red team/blue team” process in which scientists will evaluate and…
Will the Swamp Let Trump Reform Fuel Economy?
The administration should explore the legal implications of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, which prohibits states, like California, from adopting or enforcing laws or…
Bad Week in Courts for EPA Policy
If the Trump administration had folded the Obama-era appeal of Judge Bailey’s decision, then the only legal precedent regarding the relevant section of the Clean…
Energy Week: Moving on from Energy Submission
President Donald J. Trump gave a speech at the Department of Energy in which he said that “our country is blessed with extraordinary energy abundance,”…
Kids’ One-Sided Climate Change Lawsuit Scheduled for Trial
Judge Thomas Coffin, U.S. Magistrate for the District of Oregon, yesterday set a trial date of February 5, 2018 to hear a lawsuit by a group of…
Fred Smith on Free Markets, Trump, and Climate Change
Fred Smith talks with the PanAm Post at a recent conference on international politics in Miami, Florida.
Metropolitan Museum of Art Class Action Ends in Counter-Productive Settlement
It is up to courts to scrutinize the actual benefit achieved by class-action litigation before signing off on a settlement.
The Questionable Economic Feasibility of Carbon Capture Technology
New Bill Requires VA Employees to Serve Veterans Instead of Union
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) has introduced legislation to ensure federal employees working at the Department of Veterans Affairs serve veterans instead of performing union business.