Exposing Ethanol in the Centennial State
Denver Post columnist David Harsanyi has an excellent piece today on ethanol and Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter’s enthusiastic embrace of it as a solution…
I’ve Certainly Got Laughter in My Heart
Iain, I agree that only the most humorless wretch could refrain from laughter in the face of the Sheryl Crow/Laurie David juggernaut of pretension.
How Did You Celebrate Earth Day?
Iain raises an interesting question over at Planet Gore, and it's a good idea to follow up with it here. Yesterday was Earth Day,…
Commercial Broadcast Radio with…No Commercials?
The New York Times Business section has an interesting story this morning on how one of Clear Channel’s stations in Dallas is eliminating all…
Africans in DC: Kick Bob Mugabe to the Curb