Peter Schiff: A Financial Prophet
Watch this great video and see the scorning and scoffing of a man predicting a financial meltdown due to the housing situation. And read…
Trillion is the new billion
When you get calls from your friends specifically to talk about their zany ideas on how to reduce the national debt you know that the…
The Amazonians Speak Out
I wrote recently of California’s declaration to allow tropical forestry carbon offsets so that California businesses wouldn’t have to actually reduce their…
Reality hits Gore’s World
Juxtapose this from the Washington Post-- Gore envisions a nationwide "Smart Grid"--a massive underground network of electrical power lines that would be powered by…
Comments from the real world
Here's some insightful comments from Thomas Haynes, a friend of CEI's: There's a very interesting debate that could be conducted on who's…
The Regulatory President
Why bother getting elected officials' votes when you can accomplish your purposes by presidential fiat? An article in yesterday's Washington Post reveals just what…