Nuisance Lawsuits Shielded by Democratic Leaders
Protection against nuisance lawsuits for private citizens who report suspicions of terrorist activity was removed by Congressional Democratic leaders from homeland security legislation. Both houses of Congress had…
Nevada Network Security: Good Enough for Government Work
Declan McCullagh has a hilarious story today about the crack team that Nevada’s governor has providing his office with computer security: If you ever…
David Thibault, RIP
The Marshall Plan for Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Our good friends over at the George C. Marshall Institute have a new study out on cap and trade by economist Michael Canes. And…
Re: Historical Perspective on the Second Amendment
Brad, While I find your observation that “that the crime rate would go down if every single household were given a handgun” to be…
Offset Your Lunch?
The next time you grab a burger for lunch, you’re part of the global warming problem. That, at least, is the upshot of a…
One Out of Two Ain’t Bad
I’m pleased to report that Al Gore is innocent of charges of hypocrisy related to serving Chilean Sea Bass at his daughter’s wedding celebrations. The…
Just say NO to the fuel economy fetishists
My colleague Myron Ebell sometimes describes industry's response to global warming and oil import alarmism as: "Circle the wagons and everybody shoot into the middle."…
Thoughts on the Immigration Debate, part 2
Thoughts on the Immigration Debate
FDA Authority: Less Is More
Our good friend (and adjunct fellow) Henry Miller of the Hoover Institute responds in the pages of Regulation to charges that the FDA…
Just Don’t Drink Water?
The Environmental Working Group (EWG) doesn’t want you to drink bottled water because it’s a waste of resources. Tap water is just as good they…
People Always Throw Tantrums When They’re Young
Farm bill — Ag Committee gives strong support to energy title
Today at the Agriculture Committee debate on the 2007 Farm Bill (see the live streaming video here), a significant portion of the debate focused…
Racially Labeling Your Child
My family is puzzling over what racial label to pin on our children. Because of their different ethnic backgrounds, my daughter and my nephew might…
Cap-and-Trade: Everything Old Is New Again
In its story “Big bucks at stake in cap-and-trade allocations”, Tuesday’s Greenwire (subscription required) offered another in a series of examples of how even…
Counties Challenge Congress on Climate Change
Catching up on emails, I see that Tuesday’s E&E Daily (subscription required) notes that Senator Bingaman yesterday touted his “Low Carbon Economy Act”…
More on Singletary and Greenie Home Ec
Too much union disclosure?
A Man for All Seasons, Norman Borlaug
Yesterday Norman Borlaug received the Congressional Gold Medal, America's highest civilian award. This humble and unpretentious microbiologist and plant breeder is credited with saving over…
Back to Singletary’s solar lady
Eli, in your one cheer for Singletary, it sounds as if you’re falling into the risk-benefit, cost-benefit analysis approach to regulation. Yes, I…
Worthy Pleasure Seekers of the World Unite
Today the Senate Finance Committee is considering the “Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) Reauthorization Act of 2007,” which, according to James Thorner of…
How sweet it is — for sugar producers
As the House Agriculture Committee begins debate on the 2007 Farm Bill today, eight public interest groups sent a letter to committee members…
Washington Appeals Decision Striking Down Gun Ban
Washington, D.C. bans handguns, even when used solely for self-defense. Earlier this year, its gun ban was struck down under the Second Amendment by…
Gigantic Class Action Lawsuit at Death’s Door
Earlier, I wrote about the gigantic class action lawsuit in Schwab v. Philip Morris, in which the tobacco companies are being sued for selling…
Plans for the A380
One Step Toward a Tobacco Monopoly
The New York Times has a story today on the FDA regulation bill, which would place the tobacco industry under FDA regulation. The bill…
India Adapts
Deepak Lal has a typically thoughtful essay in New Delhi’s Business-Standard this week. He finds there are many reasons for India to rethink its…
“We are able to reach less people”–U.N. Food Program
This pair of articles by Javier Blas and Jenny Wiggins of the Financial Times is of direct relevance to the debate in Washington,…
Why So Shy?
After Live Earth missed its promised audience of 2 billion by about, oh, 1.9 billion (and that’s charitable), one has to wonder how much money…