Fat-Cat Attorneys’ Bogus Arguments on Arbitration Rule
Fat cat class-action attorneys and their apologists are getting desperate.
Coupon Settlements: Two Steps Forward, One Step Back
Coupon awards are notoriously bad for consumers in class action settlements. So bad that Congress targeted such relief, among other class action abuses, in the…
Shining a Light on Bureaucratic ‘Dark Matter’
Federal agencies produce guidance documents, proclamations, memoranda, bulletins, circulars, letters—all with the force of the law but with no oversight from Congress.
Crafting a Sensible Overtime Rule
It is important that the Trump administration avoid the pitfalls the Obama Department of Labor fell into on overtime regulation.
Sen. Reed’s Harmful and Foolish Opposition to Arbitration in Consumer Finance Disputes
Sen. Reed and his allies are using hard cases to put the interests of trial lawyers above the interests of a free people.
Education Department Withdraws “Dear Colleague” Letter Restricting Student and Faculty Rights
The Education Department recently withdrew two famous examples of regulatory “dark matter” issued during the Obama administration.