Public’s confidence in institutions at odds with Administration’s and Congressional attacks
In a new Gallup poll on confidence in institutions, Congress ranked last out of 16 institutions consumers were asked to consider. Only 11 percent of respondents had confidence in Congress, down 6 points from last year’s poll. Confidence in the presidency dropped the most this year from last – down a full 15 points to 36 percent.
What I think is more interesting, however, is that the main institutional targets of President Obama’s and the Democratic Congress’ recents attacks and draconian laws gained in confidence in this year’s poll. The Administration’s demonization of the health care system didn’t seem to resonate with the public. In this year’s poll, the medical system ranked as number five in overall confidence, up 4 points from last year.
Banks and big business – also the targets of the Administration’s ire, were up one and three points, respectively, in the 2010 poll.
With these kinds of polling results, the Dems are right to be running scared. Their big “successes” – ramming through an inchoate health “reform” bill and banking legislation that threatens to bury banks and their would-be customers in red tape – don’t sound like they’re going to get a lot of support among their constituents.