Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis Continues to Advance Dangerous Big Labor Agenda

Yesterday, Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis wrote an indignant blog post titled, “Long Overdue: Winning Back Pay and Benefits for Workers,” in which she blasted employers for not making payroll.

She exclaims, “Workers deserve to keep the wages and benefits they earn. That may sound like an obvious statement, but to some employers, it’s not clear at all.” Secretary Solis cites $8 million in back pay and benefits that federal investigators recovered for workers. She maligns employers for not fully contributing to pension funds, as well as violating Service Contract Act and Employee Retirement Income Security Act (both laws increase government intervention and eliminate voluntary contracts).

General consensus holds that employers or any individual should fulfill voluntary contracts. Putting aside the fact these contracts are not voluntary, overall, employers do understand the simple concept of fulfilling contracts. Unfortunately, as in every other circumstance, bad actors will arise.

However, Secretary Solis’s only points out certain bad actors, specifically job creators, which makes her post come off as disingenuous and exposes her explicit pro-union bias.