Sketch Pulled from SNL focused on the Wall Street Bailout

I can’t embed this because it keeps getting pulled. Thanks to Pat Dollard for hosting this video. This is what SNL should be doing, speaking truth to power. The sketch makes some great points:

  • Bush warned about Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae long before the Democrats, even though Pelosi has said the opposite and lauded the President’s economic policies
  • Many home buyers who were affected were horribly under qualified for mortgages
  • Other home buyers were wealth opportunists who will be OK in the long run
  • Those benefiting from the bailout are wealthy investors who don’t need a bailout
  • George Soros is a jerk

Of course it got pulled because it’s too harsh on the Dems and SNL can’t be too harsh on their favorite politicians! Thankfully at we realize that all politicians are worth lampooning.

Check out the video here:

NOTE:  NBC has stated the video was taken down due to the language appearing underneath the two mortgage-backed securities investors who made off with billions, which reads: “People who should be shot.” The same sources say the video will be edited to remove that language and returned to the website.