Small Government Hate Speech?
Craig Bannister of CNSNews just passed on a story out of Marquette University in which graduate student Stuart Distler was banned from displaying the following Dave Barry quote on his office door: “As Americans, we must always remember that we all have a common enemy, an enemy that is dangerous, powerful and relentless. I refer, of course, to the federal government.”
Lots to agree with there if you’re a fan of smaller government. The chairman of his department disagreed, however, and removed the quote from Distler’s office door, saying that the quote was “patently offensive,” and that “hallways and office doors are not ‘free-speech zones.'”
One wonders where on Marquette’s campus one can express one’s ideas freely. Perhaps, like some modern airports do with smoking, there will be a seperately-ventilated, soundproofed “free speech lounge” where the despised few free thinkers still left can retire to throw around comments related to their patently offensive dislike of intrusive and overbearing government.