Some updates
- Yesterday, we filed the opening brief in our HP Inkjet Ninth Circuit appeal. Details at Point of Law.
- The district court approved the $0 settlement in Pampers. The attorneys will receive $2.7 million. We’ve appealed to the Sixth Circuit.
- The district court approved the Brazil v. Dell settlement. There have been about $0.5 million of claims, and the attorneys are to receive $6 million. We’re going to appeal to the Ninth Circuit, since this pretty clearly contradicts Bluetooth. Thanks to Kyle Graham for covering the fairness hearing.
- The plaintiffs have asked for a $200,000 appeal bond in Blessing v. Sirius XM, the case we’ve appealed to the Second Circuit where the attorneys got $13 million and the class got worthless coupons that the court refused to call coupons. We filed an opposition to the motion for appeal bond. The motion is entertaining: the plaintiffs complain that I’ve previously objected in several other cases, but if you look at their list, we won most of those objections.
- Blogosphere coverage of yesterday’s Wall Street Journal article: Ribstein; Overlawyered; Mass Tort Litigation Blog; WSJ Law Blog.