The poor are always with us (and enviros mean to keep it that way)
In Scotland and Australia, two places as far apart on the globe as you can get, people are realizing that rationing carbon is a socially regressive move.
In Scotland:
An energy underclass could develop in Scotland if personal carbon trading is introduced in the fight against climate change, urban planning experts warned yesterday.The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in Scotland voiced concerns that low-income households could be driven into an eat-or-heat situation if tradable allowances were introduced.
In Australia:
THE jobless would be hardest hit by carbon pricing, with new research showing low-income households would have to pay about $600 a year to fight climate change.
The research by academic Peter Brain found carbon pricing would disproportionately affect people on low incomes, especially the unemployed.
When they’re not suggesting that the poor and unemployed will find new, highly-paying jobs in the wind-farm construction and hybrid battery industries, the preferred solution of the greens is to advocate a vast new income-redistributing bureaucracy to provide energy welfare to the poor, because government has all the answers (particularly, it seems, to the problems it creates).