This week in ridiculous regulations: Taconite and lab fees

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President Biden delivered his State of the Union address. Super Tuesday primaries all but settled this year’s presidential combatants. The FTC has a full slate of commissioners again. Agencies issued new regulations ranging from robocalls to bonneted bats.
On to the data:
- Agencies issued 65 final regulations last week in a four-day week, after 54 the previous week.
- That’s the equivalent of a new regulation every two hours and 35 minutes.
- With 535 final regulations so far in 2024, agencies are on pace to issue 2,846 final regulations this year.
- For comparison, there were 3,018 new final regulations in 2023, 3,168 in 2022, and 3,257 in 2021.
- Agencies issued 25 proposed regulations in the Federal Register last week, after 42 the previous week.
- With 355 proposed regulations so far in 2024, agencies are on pace to issue 1,888 proposed regulations this year.
- For comparison, there were 2,102 proposed regulations in 2023, 2,044 in 2022, and 2,094 in 2021.
- Agencies published 493 notices last week, after 508 notices the previous week.
- With 4,207 notices so far in 2024, agencies are on pace to issue 22,378 notices this year.
- For comparison, there were 22,902 notices in 2023, 22,505 in 2022, and 20,018 in 2021.
- Last week, 1,831 new pages were added to the Federal Register, after 1,458 pages the previous week.
- The average Federal Register issue in 2024 contains 367 pages.
- With 17,264 pages so far, the 2024 Federal Register is on pace for 91,830 pages.
- For comparison, the 2023 Federal Register totals 90,402 pages, the 2022 Federal Register has 80,756 pages, and 2021’s is 74,352 pages. The all-time record adjusted page count (subtracting skips, jumps, and blank pages) is 96,994, set in 2016.
- Rules with $200 million or more of economic effects in at least one year qualify as major under Section 3(f)(1). This replaces the former economically significant tag for $100 million-plus regulations. There is one such rule so far in 2024, with none in the last week.
- This is on pace for six 3(f)(1) regulations in 2024.
- For comparison, there were 28 3(f)(1) and/or economically significant regulations in 2023, 43 economically significant rules in 2022, and 26 in 2021. Note that these are not apples-to-apples comparisons, since 3(f)(1) and economically significant rules have different thresholds.
- The total estimated cost of 2024’s 3(f)(1) major regulations is net savings of $16.46 billion.
- For comparison, the cost tally for 2023’s 3(f)(1) major and economically significant regulations ranges from $62.60 billion to 90.48 billion. Cost estimates for 2022’s economically significant rules range $45.28 billion to $78.05 billion. In 2021, net costs ranged from $13.54 billion to $1992 billion. The exact numbers depend on discount rates and other assumptions.
- There were seven new final regulations meeting the broader definition of “significant” last week, after four the previous week.
- So far this year, there are 54 new regulations meeting the broader definition of “significant.” This is on pace for 287 significant regulations in 2024.
- For comparison, there were 290 such regulations in 2023, 255 in 2022, and 387 in 2021.
- So far in 2024, 136 new regulations affect small businesses, on pace for 723. Thirteen of them are significant, on pace for 69.
- For comparison, in 2023 there were 789 regulations affecting small businesses, 79 of them significant. In 2022 there were 912 regulations affecting small businesses, 70 of them significant. 2021’s totals were 912 regulations affecting small businesses, 101 of them significant.
Highlights from last week’s new final regulations:
- Updated grammatical technology in OFAC regulations.
- Updates to Darfur sanctions.
- Medicare lab fees.
- Strengthening the ability of consumers to stop robocalls.
- The Florida golden aster is no longer on the Endangered Species List.
- Domestic mail manual.
- International mail manual.
- Performance standards during natural disasters for the Children and Families Administration.
- Government partnerships with faith-based organizations.
- Taconite iron ore processing.
- Combatting prejudice in stockyards and slaughterhouses.
- Stabilizing the Western Balkans.
- Venezuela sanctions.
- Russia Sanctions.
- Recertifying women-owned small businesses.
- The EPA has updated its national priorities list.
- Critical habitat for the Florida bonneted bat.
- Tax cut on Oregon- and Washington-grown hazelnuts.
- Alcohol excise tax refunds.
- Algorithm transparency rules from the Health and Human Services Department.
- Limits on natural gas pipelines.
- A climate review for the oil and natural gas sector.
And from last week’s proposed regulations:
- Access to Americans’ bulk sensitive personal data by countries of concern.
- Strengthening the ability of consumers to stop robocalls.
- Extended comment period for a new rule regarding the National Wildlife Refuge System.
- Rules for practicing in front of the Patent Trial and Appeal Board.
- Tax increase on Florida-grown tomatoes.
- The Emergency Alert System.
- Advance tribal notification of radioactive material shipments.
- FAA rules for humanitarian air drops.
For more data, see Ten Thousand Commandments and follow @10KC and @RegoftheDay on Twitter.