Biden Tells Federal Bureaucrats To Approve Regulations With Benefits That Are ‘Impossible To Quantify’

Reason cites Vice President for Policy Wayne Crews on the regulatory state under President Biden:

“The aim is to put weight on the scales of whether or not to regulate such that the answer will always be in the affirmative, replacing market operation and civil society with government in the pursuit of a range of non-quantifiable goals, even without legislation from Congress,” says Clyde Wayne Crews, a vice president at the Competitive Enterprise Institute.


While the Trump administration did plenty to grow the size of government during its four years in power—including a gigantic hike in federal spending and expensive new tariffs on many imported goods—the one-in, two-out regulatory policy was a success from a small-government perspective. According to Crews, who has been tracking the size and power of the federal regulatory state for decades, the Trump administration actually revoked about 3.2 regulations for every new one approved.


If Biden was serious about modernizing regulatory review in a fair way, that oversight could provide important insight. Removing it suggests that to Crews that Biden is preparing “a new architecture for never-ending, endless regulations.”

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