Competitive Enterprise Institute Sues State Department for Climate Change Communications of Obama Officials

The Washington Examiner discusses CEI’s FOIA lawsuit against the State Department with Chris Horner.

The Competitive Enterprise Institute filed suit Tuesday against the State Department seeking records of conversations involving Obama administration officials who worked on the Paris international climate change accord.

The free-market think tank said it filed a Freedom of Information Act request, or FOIA, with the State Department on Aug. 31 to obtain correspondence between a pair of former Obama officials and two environmental groups.

CEI, suing in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, says it is entitled to injunctive relief that would force the State Department to provide the documents, because the agency has not notified the think tank whether it will comply with the request “within the statutory deadline of 20 working days.”

“In the absence of the Trump administration taking the initiative to review the internal record of the disgraceful process of circumventing the Senate and the U.S. Constitution to enter the Paris climate treaty, we will continue seeking to make public all of that record we are able,” said CEI fellow Chris Horner.

Read the full article at The Washington Examiner.