Facebook Prviacy Deal OKd With Justice’s Warning

The San Francisco Chronicle discusses the issue of class-action suits where attorneys get large fees and users are left with little. Center for Class Action Fairness' Ted Frank contributes comments on this matter in regards to the recent Facebook privacy case.

The Supreme Court denied review of the case Monday. But Roberts, in a statement accompanying the denial order, said that the settlement had some "disconcerting features," such as Facebook's role in the new foundation, and that the court should consider objections to cy pres in the future.

"In a suitable case, this court may need to clarify the limits on the use of such remedies," including "when, if ever" they should be used, Roberts wrote.

The statement encouraged attorney Ted Frank, founder of the Center for Class Action Fairness, which has sought to restrict such agreements and had asked the court to review the Facebook case.

"We know now that the court has their eye on the issue, and we'll be looking for the right case to present it to them," Frank said.

Read the full article at SFGate.