How The Obama Admin Forced Through Failed Union Giveaways
The Daily Caller discusses the Department of Labor's new joint employer rule with Trey Kovacs.
“Federal labor agency action during the Obama administration has had one primary goal,” Competitive Enterprise Institute Scholar Trey Kovacs told The Daily Caller News Foundation. “Ease union organizing campaigns. And that was the sole purpose of the EFCA.”
“A major reason for the administration’s pro-union regulatory push is because of its inability to get pro-union legislation through Congress,” Kovacs continued. “For example, the NLRB ambush election rule.”
“Under the new rule, the time frame between the filing of a petition and the date on which an election is conducted is reduced to as little as 14 days or less,” Kovacs noted. “The short time frame gives employees little time to educate themselves on the pros and cons of unionizing, and undermines employers’ ability to respond to unionization campaigns.”
“Although the EFCA did not cover joint employment, again, the NLRB’s change to joint employment standard supplies unions with more tools that ease organizing campaigns,” Kovacs also noted. “[Its] holding more employers responsible for the actions of contractors they utilize or franchisees that they do not control.”
“[It] allows unions to take action that would previously be illegal,” Kovacs stated. “For instance, it is illegal for a union to protest, boycott or picket against a third party. But under the new rule, where two distinct entities are now considered one, a union may engage in boycott of a franchisor when it is attempting to organize a single franchisee.”
Read the full article at the Daily Caller.