NY atty. general sought to keep lawyer’s role in climate change push secret
The Washington Examiner reports on emails sent between Attorneys General in charge of the intimidation campaign to silence CEI on climate change.
The Vermont Attorney General's Office, one of the 15 involved in the climate change effort, provided that exchange and other emails to the Energy and Environmental Legal Institute, a Washington free market nonprofit group, earlier this month.
"These emails show Schneiderman's office suggested their outside-activist green allies deceive the press; meanwhile, AGs in his coalition have subpoenaed at least one policy group's correspondence with the media. We call on these AGs to immediately halt their investigation and lay out for the public the full extent of this collusion, producing all records or information provided them in briefings or other work with the outside activists, including those they are trying to keep secret through a Common Interest Agreement," said David Schnare, the institute's general counsel.
The policy group referred to by Schnare was the Competitive Enterprise Institute, a Washington free-market think tank that has published numerous articles questioning various claims made regarding climate science. U.S. Virgin Islands Attorney General Claude Walker sent it a wide-ranging subpoena on April 4 requesting basically every research document, message or other communication at the think tank involving Exxon Mobil between 1997 and 2007.
Read the full article at the Washington Examiner.