Bennington Banner
Court Ruling on Blogger Sparks Debate
From Andrew Amelinckx's article in The Bennington Banner: In the wake of a district court judge’s ruling forcing Dan Valenti to remove references…
Washington Post
Romney Finally Punches Back on Outsourcing
From Jennifer Rubin's post in The Washington Post's Right Turn: Hans Bader of the Competitive Enterprise Institute wrote about…
Major Lawsuit Challenges the Constitutionality of Dodd-Frank
From Paul Mirengoff's post in PowerLine: The plaintiffs are represented by Boyden Gray of Boyden Gray & Associates, along with the firm of…
The Horror: NYT’s Timothy Egan Forced to Watch Fox News
From Clay Waters' article on Newsbusters: "Timothy Egan, a liberal reporter turned columnist for the New York Times, was forced to watch Fox…
President Obama: The Biggest Government Spender In World History
From Peter Ferrara's column in Forbes: As Hans Bader reported on May 26 for the Washington Examiner, the budget approved and implemented by…
Social Science Research Network
Two Questions for Law Schools About the Future Boundaries of the Legal Profession
From Elizabth Chambliss' NYLS Legal Studies Research Paper: A better strategy is to focus on lowering the cost of the unified J.D. degree,…