The Washington Examiner
Biden Ramps up Costly Regulations and Hidden Taxes
The Washington Examiner cites Vice President for Policy Wayne Crews on President Biden and regulations: “Halloween may be over but Tyrannosaurus Regs…
Households Face Up to $14,000 in ‘Hidden’ Federal Taxes Every Year, New Report Reveals
FEE cites CEI’s 10KC study by Vice President for Policy Wayne Crews: The fiscally-conservative Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) just released its annual …
The Washington Times
Trump-Dependent Media Feels the Pinch
The Washington Times cites CEI’s 10KC study by Vice President for Policy Wayne Crews: The Competitive Enterprise Institute will issue on Wednesday…
The Wall Street Journal
Flying the Politically Correct Skies
The Wall Street Journal cites Vice President for Policy Wayne Crews on Biden’s federal budget: Wayne Crews of the Competitive Enterprise Institute …
E&E News
Dems Prep Vote To Overturn Trump-Era Methane Rule
E&E News cites Vice President for Policy Wayne Crews on the Congressional Review Act: Deploying the CRA is not even a strategy…
National Affairs
Putting Regulators on a Budget
National Affairs cites Vice President for Policy Wayne Crews on the cost of regulation: Separately, in 2015, regulatory analyst Clyde Wayne Crews…