Subway Foot-Long Sandwich Settlement Approved
Bloomberg BNA reports on Center for Class Action Fairness's objection to the Subway class action lawsuit settlement over measurements of their footlong sandwiches.
The agreement also calls for attorneys' fees of $520,000 and incentive awards of $500 to each of the 10 named plaintiffs.
The deal drew four objectors—including Theodore H. Frank, director of the Center for Class Action Fairness—but especially given the relative weakness of the case, the total value ($525,000 plus the value of the injunction) is reasonable, the court said.
Frank objected, in part, to the entire allocation of the monetary component going to the named plaintiffs and class counsel. But the court said it would be highly impractical to distribute a settlement as small as $520,000 to a class composed of many millions of consumers
Adam E Schulman Competitive Enterprise Institute represented Frank.
Read the full article at Bloomberg BNA.