Think tank asks court to fine Virgin Islands A.G. after he agrees to pull climate subpoena
Washington Times reports on CEI's announcment to ask a federal court to fine Attorney General Claude Walker for violating their First Ammendment rights with a subpoena.
The Competitive Enterprise Institute asked a federal court Monday to fine the Virgin Islands Attorney General over his investigation into the free-market nonprofit’s climate-change dissent after he agreed to withdraw his subpoena.
The CEI is seeking “attorneys’ fees and other sanctions” from Virgin Islands Attorney General Claude E. Walker for a violation of the District of Columbia’s law forbidding legal actions intended to chill free speech.
The request filed in District of Columbia Superior Court came after an attorney working with Mr. Walker told the CEI in a Friday letter that the District of Columbia subpoena would be pulled within the next five days.
CEI President Kent Lassman called the warning of further legal action an “illegal threat hanging over our head.”
“We think this was a totally outrageous action that took up quite a bit of our time and resources,” CEI general counsel Sam Kazman said of the subpoena received April 7. “For the Virgin Islands Attorney General to come in and say, ‘Oh, never mind,’ is not going to cut it.”
Read the full article at Washington Times.