Washington red tape nears new and costly record
The Washington Examiner discusses Obama Administration regulations with Wayne Crews and Ryan Young.
The red tape pushed this year mimics its record in 2010, when the administration was in its second year and firmly in its regulation groove. That year, the Federal Register printed 81,405 pages. This year it is set to nearly reach, and potentially beat, that number, according to the group that charts regs, the Competitive Enterprise Institute.
CEI fellow Ryan Young said the costs so far of just the major regulations are up to $4.88 billion with a month to go.
The administration frequently says that new rules have positive net benefits, but CEI's vice president for policy, Clyde Wayne Crews Jr., explained that most of the rules are never subjected to a cost analysis, raising concerns that politics is at play.
"The White House Office of Management and Budget reviewed 54 major rules and a few hundred significant ones. Only 16 had cost estimates OMB reviewed, and only 13 had both cost and benefit assessments," he found.
Read the full article at the Washington Examiner.