Final ACE Rule Reverses “Ill-Advised and Punitive” Obama-Era Regulation


The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today issued its final Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule, which will replace the previous administration’s so-called “Clean Power Plan.”

Director of CEI’s Center for Energy and Environment Myron Ebell said:

“The EPA’s Affordable Clean Energy (ACE) rule is an attempt to ensure regulation of greenhouse gas emissions complies with the law—the Clean Air Act. Former President Obama’s so-called ‘Clean Power Plan’ was an illegally constructed regulation aimed at putting affordable energy providers out of business. Reversing that ill-advised and punitive policy is a critical part of the Trump energy dominance agenda. While CEI would prefer no replacement rule, this is a good alternative that will ensure consumers have options when it comes to affordable energy.”

CEI senior fellow Marlo Lewis said:

“The EPA’s Alternative Clean Energy (ACE) rule is a massive improvement over the previous administration’s Clean Power Plan. ACE gets EPA out of the business of playing electricity czar to the states and establishes a regulatory obstacle to any future administration bent on resuming the war on affordable energy sources consumers rely upon.”

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