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RealClear Energy
Microsoft Deal to Restart Three Mile Island Could Be a Game-Changer
Microsoft and Constellation Energy, the utility that owns Three Mile Island, announced a new deal on September 20th that will lead to the restart of…

The Social Cost Of Carbon Is A Flawed Metric For Policy Decisions
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is updating its social cost of carbon (SCC) estimate as part of a proposed rulemaking setting energy…

Bees are flourishing again. Thanks, capitalism!
You can relax, everyone: The honeybees are back. As Andrew Van Dorn of the Washington Post reported recently, America suddenly now has a record…
Search Posts
RealClear Energy
Microsoft Deal to Restart Three Mile Island Could Be a Game-Changer
Microsoft and Constellation Energy, the utility that owns Three Mile Island, announced a new deal on September 20th that will lead to the restart of…
The Social Cost Of Carbon Is A Flawed Metric For Policy Decisions
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is updating its social cost of carbon (SCC) estimate as part of a proposed rulemaking setting energy…
Bees are flourishing again. Thanks, capitalism!
You can relax, everyone: The honeybees are back. As Andrew Van Dorn of the Washington Post reported recently, America suddenly now has a record…
EPA’s Scientific Integrity Policy is unscientific, lacks integrity
The Environmental Protection Agency recently released a draft update to its “Scientific Integrity Policy,” which aims to ensure the agency’s science-based decisions and…
CEI Leads Coalition Opposing the Confirmation of Joseph Goffman as EPA’s Assistant Administrator for Air and Radiation
Dear Chairman Carper, Ranking Member Capito, and Members of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works: The undersigned organizations and individuals write to express…
News Release
New CEI Paper Highlights the Risks Banning Plastics Poses to Humanity
WASHINGTON – In a new paper released today, Competitive Enterprise Institute (CEI) senior fellow Angela Logomasini, PhD argues destroying the U.S. plastics industry,…