Legal Brief
CEI Issues Amicus Brief in American Clinical Laboratory Association v. Food and Drug Administration
INTEREST OF AMICUS CURIAE Competitive Enterprise Institute (“Amicus”) is a nonprofit organization headquartered in Washington, D.C., dedicated to promoting the principles of free markets and…
Legal Brief
CEI Issues Amicus Brief: Humphrey’s Executor
Humphreys Executor Amicus FinalDownload…
Legal Brief
Amicus Curiæ Brief in Powell v. Securities and Exchange Commission
In Powell v. Securities and Exchange Commission, CEI attorneys urged the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to reverse the Securities and Exchange Commission’s refusal to…
Legal Brief
CEI Issues Amicus Brief in Support of Petitioners in Molak vs. FCC
In Molak v. Federal Communications Commission, CEI argued that neither of the provisions of the Telecommunications Act relied upon by the Federal Communications Commission supported…
Legal Brief
Reason Et Al. Netchoice Amicus Brief
INTRODUCTION AND INTEREST OF AMICI CURIAE Social media companies, large or small, offer privately owned and mediated spaces for people to associate and exchange ideas…
Legal Brief
Brief of Amicus Curiae : SEC v. Jarkesy
In Securities and Exchange Commission v. Jarkesy, CEI attorneys argued that the SEC’s practices could not be reconciled with a proper understanding of the Seventh…