CEI’s Warren T. Brookes Journalism Fellow Announced for 2011-12
Washington, D.C., September 28, 2011—The Competitive Enterprise Institute is pleased to announce that Matthew Patterson has been selected as the 2011-12 Warren T. Brookes Journalism Fellow.
Patterson has written on a wide range of public policy issues, such as global warming, Medicare and healthcare, and labor union politics. He has been published in The Washington Post, New York Post, Washington Examiner, Washington Times, Baltimore Sun, L.A. Times, Chicago Tribune, FOXNews.com, Big Government, National Review Online, and more. He’s also been cited on-air by Sean Hannity and linked to Drudge, RealClearPolitics, RushLimbaugh.com, and others.
Patterson currently edits the Labor Watch and Greenwatch publications for the Capital Research Center in Washington, D.C. His prior work includes being a National Review Institute Washington Fellow, Research Assistant for Charles Krauthammer, Health Policy Analyst for the National Center for Public Policy Research, and a Colorado State Political Coordinator and Policy communications Coordinator for Rudy Giuliani during his run for President in 2008. He is the author of the book, Union of Hearts: The Abraham Lincoln & Ann Rutledge Story. Patterson graduated from Columbia University, where he studied Greek and Latin.
The one-year fellowship is named in honor of the late nationally syndicated columnist, Warren T. Brookes, who was known for his detailed reporting, informed by science and economics. Established after Brookes’ death in 1991, the fellowship affords journalists the opportunity to improve their knowledge, reporting, and analysis of free markets and limited government.
Previous Warren Brookes Fellows have included: Timothy Carney, senior political reporter for the Washington Examiner, New York Times best-selling author and political commentator Michelle Malkin, author and Realclearreligion.com editor Jeremy Lott, and author James Bovard.
► Read more about CEI’s Warren T. Brookes Fellowship