New Biden Admin Rule Unnecessarily Tells Americans How Much Water They Can Use in the Shower

Photo Credit: Getty

The Biden Administration today announced a finalized rule restricting the amount of water showerheads with multiple nozzles can use. The final rule reverts back to a 2013 standard, replaced during the previous administration, that requires showerheads with multiple nozzles to meet a standard of 2.5 gallons per minute. The Trump Administration rule allowed showerheads with multiple nozzles to each separately use 2.5 gallons of water per minute.

CEI senior fellow Ben Lieberman criticized the final rule from the Biden Administration:

“Consumers should be able to decide for themselves what kind of showers they buy and use, and do so free from regulatory constraints. People don’t need the government to protect them from too much water in the shower, they can simply turn the knob down.”
