News Release
EPA rule against power plants – bad for energy reliability and prices, bad for rule of law
The EPA today announced its final rule establishing carbon dioxide (CO2) emission guidelines for existing coal power plants and CO2 performance standards for new…
News Release
The House passes anti-carbon tax resolution: CEI analysis
Today, the House voted in a bipartisan manner to approve a concurrent resolution “expressing the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be…
News Release
EPA tailpipe rule an abuse of power, consumer freedom
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) today released its final rule on vehicle tailpipe emissions, which mirrors the proposed rule on the expected percentage of…
News Release
CEI leads coalition opposing carbon tariffs and the PROVE IT Act
The Competitive Enterprise Institute today sent a coalition letter to Congress opposing a bill that would lay the groundwork for a carbon tax on…
News Release
CEI Statement on House Passage of CARS Act
In a vote of 221-to-197, the House today passed the Choice in Automobile Retail Sales (CARS) Act (H.R. 4468). Introduced by Reps.
News Release
CEI Statement on CARS Act
Reps. Tim Walberg (R-MI) and Andrew Clyde (R-GA) have introduced legislation that is expected to be considered on the House floor this week,…