Trump Trade Nominee a Poor Choice to Lead U.S. Negotiations
The United States Senate Committee on Finance is expected to soon vote on the confirmation of Robert Lighthizer to be United States Trade Representative. CEI Senior Fellow Marc Scribner has said the following on Mr. Lighthizer’s nomination:
“Mr. Lighthizer has proven himself to be a poor choice to lead U.S. trade negotiations and trade policy development. His many years of litigation on behalf of the American steel industry have damaged relations with trade partners, in addition to forcing U.S. firms and consumers to pay higher prices.
“The Office of U.S. Trade Representative should lead the way in promoting strong, unfettered trade relationships vital for the future of the U.S. and global economies. Businesses depend on trade to deliver the best products and prices to consumers, which leads to job creation and economic growth. Mr. Lighthizer’s protectionist trade beliefs and positions put those gains from trade at risk. For these reasons, CEI opposes his appointment to USTR.”