How States Can Increase Worker Freedom After Janus
he U.S. Supreme Court struck down forced union dues for state government workers this week, in a ruling that restores the First Amendment rights of about 5 million state and local public employees in 22 states. Now, instead of compelling workers to pay for a union and its political agenda (or and risk being fired), workers can decide if they want to support a union financially.
“Forcing free and independent individuals to endorse ideas they find objectionable is always demeaning,” Justice Samuel Alito wrote in the majority opinion. And forcing non-members to pay fees to a union is not consistent with First Amendment principles.
A majority of justices understood that nearly every action taken by government unions during collective bargaining is political, like teacher tenure, pay and discipline for misconduct. This is why Illinois child support specialist Mark Janus, the plaintiff, balked at joining the union. Janus said that the union’s “behavior in bargaining does not appreciate the current fiscal crises in Illinois and does not reflect his best interests or the interests of Illinois citizens.”
Unfortunately, the court decision only resolves half of the problem faced by unions and workers.
Read the full article on Inside Sources.