The Hill
Workers Need Opportunities More Than a Summit
CEI's Labor Expert, Trey Kovacs, discusses the pitfalls of President Obama's labor summit geared towards promoting union's interests rather than those of workers. On October…
American Spectator
Obama’s Job Killing Gift to Big Labor
Trey Kovacs discusses the active NLRB in the waning years of the Obama administration: The Obama administration rewarded its union allies last month…
Forced Union Fees Do Not Have to Go to the Union – You Have Other Options
The Michigan Supreme Court recently ruled that state employees cannot be required to pay dues to a union or risk being fired. This is but…
Missouri tax dollars subsidize union activism
Taxpayers expect their government to spend tax dollars only on activities that benefit the public. But in Missouri, public employers at nearly every level of…
Investor's Business Daily
New Rule Empowers Union ‘Ambush Elections’
Americans usually associate mid-April with tax filing — a trying yet predictable annual ritual. This year, however, it will mean a change in America’s workplaces…
RealClear Policy
Public-Sector Union Fixes for the States
As states begin their new legislative sessions, lawmakers have many opportunities ensure that government works toward the benefit of the public, not the benefit of…