Rats, Humans and the Risks of BPA
Cheers to the Journal for your editorial "Baby Bottle Red Alert" (Jan. 30) on bisphenol A. On Jan. 27 the Cascade Policy…
Hazardous to Your Health
As U.S. lawmakers mull over whether to restructure the nation’s health-care system via a “public option,” even the biggest advocates of government intervention should…
Not So Peachy Advice
Recently featured on Good Morning America, the Environmental Working Group identified a “dirty dozen” list for the most contaminated produce that includes: peaches, apples,…
Labeling Won’t Make Bottled Water Safer
Government mandate labeling won't make the water safer, and it won't educate consumers on the risks. However, new bottled water labeling regulations will increase…
Congressional Hype About Bottled Water
The news is depressing these days as people fear losing their homes or jobs and worry about family members deployed in military operations overseas.
Overregulation on Tap
Dana Milbank’s July 9 Washington Sketch ["A Congressman With a Thirst for Truth"] on hearings on bottled water highlighted the absurdity of Washington policymaking.