Blame EPA for Oil Companies’ “Price-Gouging”: Lieberman Op-Ed
Distributed by Bridge News Service Distributed by Bridge News Service April 5, 2001 WASHINGTON–Last June, drivers in Chicago…
Midnight Madness — Washington Style: Lieberman SD Union Tribune Op-Ed
The San Diego Union-Tribune, The Press of Atlantic City They’re called midnight regulations — the flood of federal regulatory activity occurring in the closing…
Gas Prices: Gore’s Achilles’ Heel — Lieberman Op-Ed in NY Post
Published in the New York Post Published in the New York Post October 3, 2000 Headline: Gas Prices: Gore’s Achilles’…
Is Your Washer Politically Incorrect
The federal government thinks your clothes washer is contributing to global warming and is going to make you do something about it. Over the past few…
Gas Price Scapegoating: Lieberman in the Chicago Sun Times
Published in the Chicago Sun Times Published in the Chicago Sun Times June 25, 2000 The White House…
Gas Price Scapegoating in Washington
Federal regulators held an emergency meeting Monday, June 12, in an effort to find out who is behind the recent surge in gasoline prices, particularly…