Legalizing Online Gambling Is A No-Brainer
Sometimes things do change in Washington, often unexpectedly. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, once an opponent of online gambling, is now circulating draft legislation to…
Was Prohibition Repealed?
This Sunday, December 5, many people will raise their glasses and celebrate Repeal Day — the anniversary of the end of Prohibition, a day when…
Prospects for U.S. Internet Gambling Post-Midterm Elections
Rep. Barney Frank (D-Mass.) has been pivotal in efforts to legalize Internet gambling in the United States. In 2007, he introduced the first of several…
Virginia Lawmakers Aren’t Entitled to Liquor Revenue (Letter to the Editor)
It is long past time for Virginia to shake its state monopoly on liquor sales, and it’s a shame that we’ll have to wait until…
Virginia Lawmakers Aren’t Entitled to Liquor Revenue
It is long past time for Virginia to shake its state monopoly on liquor sales, and it’s a shame that we’ll have to wait until…
Private Sales Don’t Increase Drinking
Editor, Times-Dispatch: Regarding “Police Concerned Over Privatizing Liquor Stores”: The fear of law enforcement agents that privatizing liquor sales will result in increased underage drinking,…