The Hill
How to Rein in Regulatory Dark Matter
Divisive hot-button issues are distracting public attention from policy reforms that could make everyone better off by expanding the economy. One of these is regulatory…
Here’s a Year-End Roundup of White House and Federal Agency Efforts to Streamline Guidance Documents
President Donald Trump’s executive actions aimed at slowing the pace of new regulation and eliminating existing ones (the first part was easier) continued in 2018.
Lame Duck Update: Here’s How the 115th Congress Tried to Streamline Agency Guidance Documents
Despite surprisingly deep bipartisan pedigree of significant regulatory reforms and proposals of the past, few Democrats in the 115th Congress were inclined to work with Republicans and President Trump…
The Midterm Election Results Should Inspire A New Trump Executive Order On Federal Regulations
As part of its economic reform agenda, the Trump administration emphasized cutting red tape. It reaffirmed Office of Management and Budget (OMB) cost-benefit review of significant agency rules…
Trump Exceeds One-In, Two-Out Goals on Cutting Regulations, But it May be Getting Tougher
The Trump administration has released the Fall 2018 edition of the twice-yearly Unified Agenda of Federal Regulatory and Deregulatory Actions.
The Rules for Rulemaking: a Cheat-Sheet Glossary of the Administrative State
The following chronological overview of America's regulatory oversight regime emerged from noticing the many categories of rules and regulations in play in the insiders' game…