Burn Baby Burn?
The recent case in Olbion County, Tennessee, where municipal firefighters watched a house burn to the ground because the residents had not paid a…
Fish Enough for All
Ron Arnold alleged yesterday that Jane Lubchenco and the bureaucrats at NOAA are killing the New England fishing industry. Averse as I am to…
Climategate Inquiry Glosses Over the Facts
When the Climategate e-mails were released last year, the evidence of misconduct by the scientists involved was so strong that the climate establishment was forced…
Just Another Liberal Advocacy Group
Friends of the Earth has a reputation of being a principled, if misguided, single-issue group. Yet in its latest email action alert, it reveals…
We Need a Mexican Standoff on Cap and Trade
Despite claims to the contrary, the energy tax known as cap and trade is still alive. Although Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has supposedly pulled…
National Review
Brownback’s Mountains
It looked like we had dodged a bullet. With an election looming, Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D., Nev.) decided that a provision requiring…