Bellingham (WA) Herald
Government to Google: All Search Results Must Appear First
According to legend, when Winston Churchill and his lifelong foe Clement Attlee ran into each other at a row of urinals in the House of…
Bellingham (WA) Herald
The Debt Ceiling, Thomas Jefferson and the Semi-Virtue of a Balanced Budget Amendment
I’m for a balanced budget, even an amendment, but I’m more for the principle of limited government. A federal government that picks a national bird…
Bellingham (WA) Herald
Put a Ceiling on Overregulation
After months of saying it wanted a “clean” hike in borrowing authority, the Obama administration now proclaims it wants to do something “big” in a…
Bellingham (WA) Herald
The Cost Of Government Regulation
“You, there: stop complaining and start hiring!” That is essentially the Obama administration’s message to businesses. This is an administration that seems to believe that…
Bellingham (WA) Herald
Catching Air Without NASA: How Will We Regulate Commercial Space Flight?
What if having a vibrant space program requires bypassing NASA? There exist great pressures for change despite NASA’s signature successes. The private experimental launches…
Bellingham (WA) Herald
To Stimulate Economy, End Predatory Abuse Of Antitrust
Among numerous steps needed to stimulate a double-dipping economy, one is to make antitrust not pay anymore. AT&T’s $39 billion merger with T-Mobile (a…