No Fizz in Soda Scare
The food police filed a petition this week with the federal government to require that regular (non-diet) soft drinks carry health warning labels. But…
Short-Term Memory
An unwitting yet hideous example of the politically correct, “can't-we-move-on” short memories of the elites exposed in Tony Blankley's spot-on analysis “Short memories,…
‘Big Lie’ Enough to Make Drug Industry Ill
Activism can be a good thing. We all benefit from getting to shop in the marketplace of ideas. However, all is not good-faith activism. Take,…
Short Term Memory (Letter to the Editor)
An unwitting yet hideous ex ample of the politically correct, can’t-we-move-on short memories of the elites exposed in Tony Blankley’s spot-on analysis “Short memories, politically…
One-on-One with Barun Mitra
Full interview available in pdf format<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” E: You were recent awarded the Julian L. Simon Award by…
Trillion-Dollar Radiation Mistake?, by Steven Milloy
A federal research panel last week concluded that there is no safe exposure to radiation. It’s a conclusion based on assumptions about cancer…