Kyoto-by-Inches Is Just as Foolish
The current energy-bill debate may be mostly about pork, but vital issues of principle are in play. Real reform would remove political barriers to the…
Businesses Giving Away the Store on Global Warming , by Steven J. Milloy
Businesses are poised to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in the battle over global warming.Though Americans have already dodged the global-warming bullet…
The McCain-Lieberman and Bingaman Climate Amendments: Kyoto-by-Inches Is Just as Foolish, by Marlo Lewis, Jr.
Proponents claim that the McCain-Lieberman and Bingaman climate amendments to the Senate energy bill are “modest” steps to address the potential risks of…
This Law Does Not Compute
Maryland’s new law that taxes computer manufacturers to fund efforts to recycle “electronic waste” [Business, June 1] penalizes production, imposes a huge monetary burden on…
Global Warming Heats Up in Senate, by Steven J. Milloy
Global warming is a hot issue in Congress right now, but not just because of pressure from the usual suspects in the radical eco-activist…
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Abolish Federal Pension Guarantee
Just as the squeaky wheel gets the grease, a government program gets Congress’ attention by going deep in the red. And the Pension Benefit Guaranty…