Protecting Digital Property Without New Legislation
Contrast digital property with real property or other more tangible goods. In the case of the latter, there is no continuing relationship between seller and…
Law of the Sea Treaty Debated
David B. Rivkin Jr. and Lee A. Casey are correct that most reasons prompting President Reagan to reject the Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST)…
Bureaucrats upending NIH
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) faces a revolt by its employees over new, draconian conflict-of-interest rules. They ban all consulting (paid or unpaid) for…
Ponzi’s Scheme Still Works
Many have heard of Charles Ponzi, the 1920s flimflam — man whose name is now synonymous with con artistry The Oxford English Dictionary defines a…
Saudi Canadia?
People who fret over headlines such as “World’s oil problems are only going to get worse” must be growing downright panicky over recent news reporting…
Misnamed Activists Are Thorns In Rose Of Agbiotech Foods
In a spin-dominated world where activists claim—often on the flimsiest of data—that this, that or the other thing causes cancer or threatens the…