Pediatric drug testing may be unhealthy
Even by Capitol Hill’s standards, last Tuesday’s press conference was an exceptionally self-congratulatory event. The occasion was the unveiling of the Pediatric Research Equity…
Misperceptions At The Gas Pump
Gas prices have surged, as have the demands for the government to do something about it. But only a few of the factors affecting…
If The Feds Regulate Mere Annoyances, What Will They Not Regulate?
Question: Should government protect your dinner hour from annoying telemarketers? Answer: If the feds regulate mere annoyances, what will they not regulate?…
The Poindexter Awareness Office: Turning the Tables on Mr. Supersnoop
Talk is cheap, but surveillance is, too. <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = “urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office” /> The federal government's…
The Chill from the Pentagon: The Total Information Awareness Project
The Nice Treaty: Not So Nice For The U.S.
Yes means yes and no means maybe – at least that’ so among Europe’s elite. Which is ironic, because the Continental bien pensants would shudder…