To Beat West Nile, Kill The Carrier
It is common in Washington’s parks these days to see mothers rubbing their children’s arms, faces and legs with wipes pulled from brightly…
Powell for the Poor
The U.S. State Department is often the bane of conservatives' existence, mostly for its institutional embrace of the multilateral, let's-not-offend-anyone (particularly the Europeans), kumbaya-ism.
Don’t Go There: Giving The EPA The Chance To Jeopardize Homeland Security
Senator Jon Corzine (D, N.J.) says he may offer his “Chemical Security Act” (S. 1602) this week as an amendment to the homeland-security bill.
GM In Perspective
View the full Spiked debate forum on GM crops. 'If the field trials are allowed to progress unmolested, Britons…
Liberals Will Wriggle Out Of Kyoto
Prime Minister Jean Chrétien intends to ratify the Kyoto climate change accord this autumn, but is still haggling over its terms — which puts…
Green with Greed
“Green” groups do quite well for themselves courtesy of business and foundations derived from corporate wealth (Pew, Ford, Rockefeller, Heinz, MacArthur). Still, the green…