Apocalypse Soon: Climate Assessment is Based on Fear
“Many statements in the Overview Document have a rather extreme/alarmist tone and do not appear to fairly reflect the scientific literature, the historical record, or…
Gas Price Scapegoating: Lieberman in the Chicago Sun Times
Published in the Chicago Sun Times Published in the Chicago Sun Times June 25, 2000 The White House…
Gas Price Scapegoating in Washington
Federal regulators held an emergency meeting Monday, June 12, in an effort to find out who is behind the recent surge in gasoline prices, particularly…
Lawmakers Should Consider Outcomes When Micromanaging Fuel Supplies
Federal regulators held an emergency meeting last week in an effort to find out who is behind the recent surge in gasoline prices, particularly in…
Uncle Sam Gets Burned Out West
Some say the world will end in fire,” wrote the poet Robert Frost, “some say in ice.” But after the wildfires U.S. westerners recently witnessed…
Death By Caution: Fuel Economy Standards Cost Lives
The Precautionary Principle has become the rhetorical war-horse of the global warming movement. With the Earth's survival at issue, environmentalists claim, it's surely…